Plastic surgeon, Dr. Craft, can greatly improve the appearance of the stomach where the loss of elasticity (due to pregnancy, excess weight loss, or genetics) has caused loose and sagging skin, with a tummy tuck in Phoenix.
Types of tummy tuck procedures
Every patient has their own individual body types and concerns. As such, the tummy tuck comes in various forms to be able to meet the needs of everyone. During the private consultation, Dr. Craft will carry out a thorough assessment of the patient’s current condition as well as their medical history to determine the best course of action for them.
The biggest determining factor in deciding which iteration of abdominoplasty to employ is the amount of excess skin on the patient’s body. The portion of excess skin being removed will dictate the location and size of the incisions.
Circumferential tummy tuck
This technique is the most wide-reaching, as it addresses both the lower and upper areas of the abdomen as well as the waistline, flanks, and back. Patients who have experienced a rather large amount of weight loss can benefit greatly from this approach.
An incision is made all the way around the waistline. Liposuction and other techniques are then used to remove excess fat from the targeted areas. While this is going on, loose skin is tightened and the belly button is repositioned. Once all changes have been made, the incisions are sutured closed.
What is the recovery process like?
Besides going over your recovery during your consultation with Dr. Craft, you will also be given thorough post-op instructions so your recovery goes as smoothly as possible.
A tummy tuck is usually an outpatient procedure, but be aware that you will need someone to help you move around and take care of daily tasks for a week after your operation. You will be given a compression garment to wear for up to six weeks (this garment will be fitted for you before the surgery). You may also have a drain placed. This will also be discussed during your consultation.
Patients typically return to work within 10 to 14 days after their tummy tuck, as long as the work isn’t too physically demanding. You will also need to limit exercise for six weeks, and you should not lift anything over ten pounds for the first four to six weeks (including children). Our patients are usually fully recovered from a tummy tuck in Phoenix after six weeks.

Tummy Tuck FAQs
How long will the results last?
Are tummy tuck procedures safe?
Is it ok to have a tummy tuck after having children?
What is the difference between a tummy tuck and liposuction?
Can a tummy tuck be combined with other treatments?
Is there any way to lower the likelihood of scarring?
How long will the results last?
Results from this procedure are considered to be permanent.
Are tummy tuck procedures safe?
Yes. According to data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, approximately 95% of tummy tuck patients experienced zero complications.
Is it ok to have a tummy tuck after having children?
Is it ok to have a tummy tuck after having children?
What is the difference between a tummy tuck and liposuction?
A liposuction procedure removes fat from the stomach and makes it flatter, while a tummy tuck creates a better-defined, more toned abdomen.
Can a tummy tuck be combined with other treatments?
Yes. A tummy tuck can be performed in tandem with procedures such as a thigh lift or lower body lift for enhanced results.
Is there any way to lower the likelihood of scarring?
Refraining from smoking and limiting tension on the treatment site are both great ways to decrease the likelihood of developing scars.