Types of Implants
There are several different types of implants that can be used to enhance your breasts. Some implants have different textures or consistencies. During your consultation with Dr. Craft, you will have a chance to look at the different implants and to try them on with a special bra that can help you get an idea of how they might look and feel.
Saline implants
Saline implants are sterile, pure saltwater in a silicone shell. Before they are filled, these implants are usually inserted into a smaller incision in the natural folds of the armpit. Once they are in place, Dr. Craft will precisely fill them to ensure they are perfectly symmetrical, round and attractive-looking. Saline-filled implants can have less of a natural feel and move less naturally than silicone implants. For those who want an obviously enhanced look, these may be the perfect implants for you. Saline implants are the only implants that are FDA-approved for patients 18 to 21. In the rare case that a saline implant ruptures, the implant will deflate, which allows the situation to be immediately noticeable and addressed. The saline is harmless. Silicone breast implant ruptures are not as noticeable and may wind up with silicone leaking into the surgical pocket. For those who are concerned about possible rupture, saline implants may be considered the safest choice.
Silicone implants
Silicone implants are thick silicone gel contained in a silicone shell. This gel feels natural to the touch and provides a natural shape and bounce. Silicone implants are a popular choice for women who want a natural look to their enhanced breasts.
Silicone implants include a wide array of silicone gel viscosity and shapes. One of the most popular types of silicone implants is “gummy bear” implants. These have a firmer gel viscosity, like gummy bear candies do, and provide a plump look that closely mimics natural breast tissue.
Gummy Bear Implants
These implants are FDA-approved for women over 22 and are made with cohesive silicone gel molded in the natural teardrop shape. Gummy bear implants are very popular for their realistic form and feel. A larger breast size with natural breast contours is possible with gummy bear implants as well. Another positive feature of these implants is that the procedure usually leaves a patient with less scar tissue.
Gummy Bear implants have a reduced risk of rippling, folding or rupture. However, MRIs are recommended every three years with these implants to ensure they have not migrated or leaked.