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Many women decide to undergo a breast reduction for aesthetic reasons, health reasons, or both. A breast reduction can be a completely transformative operation for women whose disproportionately enlarged breasts are causing them embarrassment or discomfort, greatly improving their quality of life.  

Before & After Breast Reduction in Phoenix

What can a breast reduction do?

A breast reduction removes skin, fat, and glandular tissue to make disproportionately enlarged breasts smaller. This not only creates a more proportional balance; it also takes stress off the neck, back, and shoulders for the patient. A properly performed breast reduction can help a woman regain control of her body and view her breasts as something positive instead of burden. 

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgical details

Breast reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Dr. Craft will draw guidelines on your breasts for the incisions. The incision pattern will be determined by the size of the breasts and the position of the nipples. 

An incision around the areola will be made, and is continued underneath the breast. Excess skin will be removed from the sides of the breast, and the remaining tissue will be lifted and re-shaped. The areola and nipple may also be re-positioned at this point. Dr. Craft will then close the incisions with sutures. The new breasts will be smaller and more contoured.  



After the breast reduction operation is complete, the breasts will be wrapped in bandages and you will be given a surgical bra that you’ll need to wear for one to two weeks to help with support and healing. After this, you can begin wearing a soft sports bra. You may begin wearing an underwire bra at six weeks if it is comfortable for you. Some patients require drains after surgery. These are small tubes that are inserted into the incisions to help catch excess fluids and reduce swelling. 

There will be some limitations after your breast reduction. This is important to keep in mind in regards to getting dressed and brushing your hair. You will not be able to lift anything over a few pounds for a couple of weeks (including children), and you cannot put any pressure on the incisions. You may feel more comfortable sleeping elevated for the first week or two. Light exercise is fine after four weeks, and more high-intense exercise after six weeks. 

During the first couple of weeks, many patients experience tightness in the chest, bruising on the chest, and soreness and stiffness in the upper body. There is also a risk of minor infection which resembles scabs. These can be easily treated with antibiotics.  

Most patients return to work about a week after their breast reduction (three weeks if the job is physically demanding).


Once you have completely recovered from your breast reduction, you will find that clothes fit you better. Your previous neck and back pain will be alleviated. If you’re athletic or work out regularly, you will discover that it is much easier to move. Breast reductions are one of the most satisfying procedures available due to the newfound freedom they can provide for women. 

Breast reduction candidates 

If you’re interested in getting a breast reduction in Phoenix, you may be a perfect candidate. Those who undergo a breast reduction must have fully-developed breasts, must be finished with breastfeeding their children, and must be non-smokers who are in generally good health. You may be an ideal candidate if:

  • You feel that you have limitations in what clothing you can wear because of your breasts
  • You have constant neck, back, and shoulder pain due to overly large breasts
  • You feel that your breasts are impairing your ability to play sports or work out 
  • You are embarrassed by the size of your breasts
Dr. Craft

Why choose CraftMD?

If you’re considering a breast reduction, congratulations. You will feel much better after the surgery. Dr. Randall O. Craft at CraftMD has the credentials, the experience, and the artistry required to carry out safe and transformative breast reduction surgeries. As a double board-certified, Harvard-trained surgeon, Dr. Craft provides patient-centric, compassionate care with an emphasis on safety. To schedule a consultation, please call or contact us online. 

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