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Patients with many types of skin cancers, such as squamous cell or basal cell, can have their resection and reconstruction at the same time. Having this done by a plastic surgeon can be particularly important when the lesion is on the face or cosmetically sensitive area. Dr. Randall Craft provides effective skin cancer treatment and reconstruction in Phoenix to restore the skin to its previous appearance. 

Skin Cancer Resection and Reconstruction

Skin cancer reconstruction in Phoenix is a surgical procedure that treats the wounds left behind by conventional surgical excision or Mohs surgery. Often, the lesions that result from traditional excision are more severe than those from Mohs surgery, yet they can still be treated with skin reconstruction surgery. This is a very important procedure for skin cancer patients, as it allows them to feel like themselves again and feel confident in their appearance. 

Skin Cancer Resection & Reconstruction

What areas can be reconstructed?

Dr. Craft is an expert in the area of skin cancer reconstruction and treatment in Phoenix, and can safely, beautifully, and successfully treat the following areas:

  • Nose
  • Forehead
  • Hands
  • Lips
  • Ears
  • Eyelids
  • Cheeks
  • Feet

Skin cancer reconstruction surgery details

Most skin cancer reconstruction procedures are performed under local anesthesia with or without sedation, and take 1 to 3 hours, depending on the size and location of the lesion. The majority of patients will be able to return home after their surgery. 

Before your skin cancer treatment in Phoenix, you will have an in-person consultation with Dr. Craft so that he can assess your areas of concern and determine the best surgery technique for your needs. 

Skin cancer reconstruction techniques 

There are different techniques for skin cancer reconstruction surgery. These techniques include:

These techniques include:

Primary closure

In a primary closure, the edges of the wound are simply closed together and fastened with sutures, changing the lesion from a round opening to a linear scar. This technique is for patients who have only very minor damage.

Local flap 

The most common type of skin cancer reconstruction is done with a local flap closure. This technique uses skin that is nearby the wound to treat it. 

Skin grafting

Skin grafting transfers healthy skin from one part of the body and uses it to cover the wound. The grafts can vary in thickness (either shaved off or removed with an incision), depending on the need of the patient. 

Who is a candidate for skin cancer reconstruction?

Candidates for skin cancer treatment with reconstruction are individuals who had skin cancer removed and have been left with a wound that they would like to improve. This procedure is also perfect for individuals who have active skin cancers (such as squamous or basal cell cancers). At CraftMD, every patient’s unique case is considered, with a customized surgical plan created especially for their personal aesthetic goals.

Dr. Craft

Why choose Dr. Craft?

Dr. Randall O. Craft at CraftMD in Phoenix is an expert in the field of reconstructive surgery. As a double board-certified, Harvard-trained surgeon, Dr. Craft has the credentials, the experience, and the artistry to carry out safe reconstructive surgeries that achieve beautiful, life-changing results, with the most minimal amount of scarring possible. Dr. Craft provides patient-centric, compassionate care with an emphasis on safety and patient wellbeing. To schedule a consultation, please call our office or contact us online. 


Patients may return to work in a couple of days, depending on where the lesion is located. For most, the sutures will be removed after one week post-surgery. Some patients experience mild bruising, swelling, and pain. 

You can shower the day after your skin cancer treatment in Phoenix, but baths, hot tubs, and pools should be avoided for two weeks. Strenuous activities should also be avoided for two weeks post-op.

You will be given detailed instructions for home care (including topical medications, cleaning, and what should be avoided) in order to help the scarring to heal into the lowest visibility possible. 

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